Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care

More than 850,000 people in the UK have dementia and the number is rising at an alarming rate. By 2051, more than 2 million people will be diagnosed with dementia. These are not just numbers, they reflect the millions of families whose loved ones with dementia need specialist care and support to live full lives.

You may be wondering how to respond to dementia-related behaviours and circumstances or how to care for a loved one with dementia with dignity.

Having cared for several older people with dementia at home for years, we have a variety of answers to these questions. We are here to support you and point you in the right direction.

Setting up home care for dementia patients

People often need support and help to maintain as much independence as possible, regardless of their illness, and to live as full a life as possible. Recognising and valuing help early on can help families build care into daily routines so that people with memory loss can maintain their independence. Developed by renowned specialists in ageing and dementia, the programme enables our care professionals to provide the best possible care using a variety of dementia-friendly practises.

Home care for people with dementia

More About Home Care For Dementia

If you need more help and advice about dementia, please read the resources below or fill in the form at the bottom of the page.
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