Health And Wellbeing

Caring For Body And Mind

Looking after our health and wellbeing is vital even in the best of circumstances, but when difficulties arise we need to make it that much more of a priority. At Sorted Healthcare, we know all about supporting the elderly and keeping them active and happy at home, and we want to share our knowledge, ideas and advice with you.

This section will also be of interest to carers, family members and friends who are looking for ways to support a loved one and stay in touch.

We all need to look after ourselves and getting older is no excuse to stop. We may need to change the way we exercise or consider other methods to keep our minds occupied, but the most important thing is to persevere!

We hope this information is educational and helpful in helping you or a loved one to be happy at home, stay optimistic and take care of your mind and body.

Mind Matters

You may already be familiar with the term ‘mindfulness’, which can help us to live in the present and understand ourselves better. It can help us feel calmer and better prepared, be more relaxed and sleep better.

As much as we want a calmer mind, we also need to motivate it and keep it busy with activities like crossword puzzles, learning a new skill or even writing your life story, as Dame Esther Rantzen recommends.

Active body

Physical health is essential for mental health, physical strength and balance. There are various methods to be active at home or in the garden. Depending on your circumstances, you can be as active as you can. There are sedentary activities, simple home or garden exercises and even singing that can help keep your lungs and heart healthy.

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