Health and Wellbeing Check

Our Health and Wellbeing Checks are the ideal starting point for your treatment journey

It entails a 30-minute visit from one of our care champions in order to monitor your main vital signs. This may assist you by notifying you, a family member, and your critical healthcare providers to any changes that may indicate anything is wrong.
This one-of-a-kind program may detect early warning indicators of a person’s physical, mental, and emotional deterioration. Rapid assistance might avert further deterioration and the need for hospitalisation.

The important vital indicators monitored by our Care Champions are:

How will this new service assist you or a loved one?

How often is a Health and Wellbeing Check conducted?

The visits might occur as often as necessary. Typically, they would occur once each week at the same time each week.

The Health and Wellbeing Checks may be provided as a standalone service, as part of a new individualised care package, or as an update to an existing care package.

What exactly is a NEWS2 matrix?

The NEWS2 (National Early Warning Score) is a standardised matrix established by the Royal College of Physicians that enhances the diagnosis and treatment of individuals at risk of deterioration. Visit the NHS website for additional information about the NEWS2 score.

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