Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

You know the saying, “A healthy mind leads to a healthy body”? That’s why Sorted Healthcare’s services are designed to keep you engaged, having fun and feeling stimulated.

People too often sit alone in front of the television to entertain themselves. We think mental stimulation in the form of brain games, puzzles and educational board games can keep our service users awake and happy.

Research has shown that our brains are just as capable of learning in the second half of life as they’re in the first. Simple hobbies such as crossword puzzles, card games, Sudoku, Tic-Tac-Toe and Scrabble can further exercise the brain. Doing mental exercises several times a week helps keep our minds fresh and efficient. Sometimes we just need a little encouragement or someone to help us try new hobbies or revive old ones. It’s never too late! And we’re not too old for Disney either!
As part of your home care, Sorted Healthcare can build time for stimulation and enjoyment into your care and support plan.
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