Huntington’s Disease Care

Discovering that you or a loved one has Huntington’s disease (HD) is a big shock. You may be worried that institutionalisation is inevitable. Sorted Healthcare understands that the impact on the sufferer and their loved ones can be devastating. Our trained team can offer you and your family a wide range of high quality services to help you cope with the many difficulties associated with HD without the need for residential care.

These can include help with

What is Huntington's disease?

Huntington’s disease is an incurable, degenerative disease of the central nervous system that affects around 6,000 people in the UK. This disease is caused by a gene in 97% of cases. It affects both cognitive and muscular coordination. Symptoms include involuntary movements such as twitching or jerking, problems with eating and behaviour, communication difficulties, sadness and anxiety, confusion and poor concentration. Sufferers often suffer from mood swings, with a moment of elation followed by apathy or aggression. This puts a great strain on the family, especially if the person with HD also lacks empathy and is unable to recognise the needs of other family members.

Support to maintain health

Sorted Healthcare offers crucial support to help you and your family manage the symptoms of HD and live as independently as possible, rather than needing a care home.

Each individual and their family have unique experiences with HD. That’s why we create an individual care plan that provides the care and support you want, when and how you want it. We determine what is most important to you and what your goals are, such as returning to work, losing weight or maintaining social contacts, so that want.

Due to the fluctuating nature of your symptoms, we will talk to you regularly about possible changes to your care and support plan. If you prefer home care to institutional care, we are here for you.

You can find out more about HD on the Huntington's Disease Association and NHS website.
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