Parkinson’s Disease Care

Living with Parkinson’s disease can be emotionally, socially and physically demanding.

Sorted Healthcare’s skilled home care team can provide you and your family with reliable home care and support, whether you are adjusting to a new diagnosis or managing the late stages of this degenerative disease.

What is Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common diseases of the neurological system in older people. Parkinson’s disease affects around 127,000 people in the UK, which is one in 500 people. The disease is more common in people over the age of 50, although it can also occur in younger people if it is inherited.

The chemical dopamine is used by nerve cells in the brain to control muscle activity throughout the body. In Parkinson’s disease, destruction of the nerve cells that produce dopamine prevents the brain from sending the right signals to the rest of the body’s muscles.

What are the signs and symptoms?

Many people have had symptoms for some time before they receive a medical diagnosis. Common symptoms include muscle soreness and stiffness, a slight tremor and a general feeling of tiredness and weakness. Although there is no known treatment for Parkinson’s disease, early detection is important. This allows you to receive appropriate therapy, home care and support so that you can continue to live as normally as possible.

Parkinson’s disease can affect both sides of the body. The course of the disease and its effects vary from person to person. Some of the symptoms are physical, such as tremors or involuntary shaking, slowing or stopping of movements and stiffening. These can affect automatic responses such as blinking, walking, talking, swallowing, coordination and balance. Other symptoms, such as bowel and bladder problems, sleep disturbances, excessive sweating, anxiety and sadness, may be less visible to the outsider but just as distressing.

Sorted Healthcare's support for you and your loved ones

There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, but therapy, home care and support can help manage symptoms. For example, with medications that increase dopamine levels in the brain, physiotherapy and speech therapy. Lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, a healthy diet and adequate fluid intake, can also be helpful.

Sorted Healthcare’s goal is to help you live as well as possible despite the progression of your disease. We pay attention to what is essential for you and what goals you want to achieve. We will work with you to develop a home care plan, which will describe how we will provide a specialised service tailored to your specific needs and preferences, enabling you to remain in your own home.

Examples include:

Help to continue enjoying your social activities

Cognitive stimulation such as reading or conversation Assistance with daily tasks such as getting dressed, eating breakfast, showering and going to bed Ensuring you have the necessary medication

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