Preventing Fall

If you would like to know how to prevent falls in old age, the following information and solutions may be helpful.

You or a family member may have fallen in the past. If this is the case, here are some suggestions on how to regain your confidence and prevent future falls.

A fall can be a major setback for an older person and can lead to serious harm or even death. Falls cost the NHS around £1 billion a year and result in 4 million hospital days.

A fall is generally seen as a harbinger of deterioration in older people’s quality of life, although this is not always the case.

Help older people stay fall-free

With the right guidance and support at home, older people can maintain their independence and avoid falls. Here are five strategies to prevent falls.

Stay Active

Regular exercise that builds strength and balance can help you maintain or even improve your ability to perform everyday tasks and reduce your risk of falling. Examples include regular stair climbing, strength training with weights or resistance bands, Pilates, yoga, Tai Chi and dancing.

Keep your home safe

Tripping over obstacles such as frayed carpets and furniture is a major cause of falls. Reduce your risk by keeping your home tidy and well-lit. Read our safety suggestions for your home.

Shop well

Good health can greatly reduce the risk of a fall. You should keep your doctor’s appointments and check your medicines, as some of them can cause drowsiness or dizziness, which can lead to falls.

Stay well nourished

A nutritious diet helps maintain a healthy body and can reduce the risk of falls. Eat a balanced diet, keep your sugar intake in check and make sure you stay hydrated. Learn more about our Stay Nourished initiative and healthy eating.

Maintain support

If you are concerned about your frailty or mobility, you should see your GP to assess your general health and wellbeing. He or she can work with you to assess your vulnerabilities and recommend assistive devices, such as a cane or rollator, that can help you with mobility and activities of daily living.

Keep your balance with Sorted Healthcare

If you or someone close to you needs more support, Sorted Healthcare’s carers are here for you. Whether it’s helping you attend medical appointments, monitoring your health or supporting you to eat healthily and join a local fitness class.

Contact us right away for more information.

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