Service User Rights

At SHCL, we uphold the following rights for all our clients:
  1. The right to be called by the name of your choice.
  2. The right to care for yourself as far as you are able.
  3. The right to independence.
  4. The right to have your dignity respected and to be treated as an individual.
  5. The right to receive an anti-discriminatory service responsive to your race, religion, culture, language, gender, sexuality, disability and age.
  6. The right of access to your own personal records and information relating to decisions made with Care Staff, and to be assisted with this when necessary.
  7. The right to take an active part in decisions about daily living arrangements that affect your life.
  8. The right to look after your own medicines and control your finances, if you are able to do so.
  9. The right to make personal life choices, such as food and sleep schedules, within the scope of the service provision.
  10. The right to be involved in writing your own “Service Users Plan” and participating in regular formal reviews of your needs.
  11. The right to access a formal complaints procedure and to be represented by a friend, relative or adviser if necessary
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