Sorted Safeguarding

Sorted Healthcare Ltd: Our Commitment to Safeguarding

As the Registered Manager and Safeguarding Champion for Sorted Healthcare Ltd,
I, Abi Okulaja, am dedicated to ensuring the highest standards of safeguarding for all our service users. We recognize our moral and legal responsibility to promote the well-being of all adults, protect them from harm, and respond promptly and appropriately to any concerns.

Our Safeguarding Principles
  1. Empowerment: We empower our clients to make their own choices and informed decisions, while providing them with the support and information they need to do so safely.
  2. Prevention: We prioritize the prevention of harm and abuse through staff training, risk assessments, and the promotion of a culture of openness and awareness.
  3. Proportionality: We ensure that any safeguarding responses are proportionate to the risk presented and the least intrusive for the individual concerned.
  4. Protection: We take swift action to protect our clients when necessary, working closely with local authorities and other relevant agencies to ensure their safety.
  5. Partnership: We collaborate with our clients, their families, and local safeguarding partners to ensure a coordinated and effective approach to safeguarding.
  6. Accountability: We are transparent in our safeguarding practices and maintain clear lines of accountability, regularly reviewing and improving our processes.
Staff Training and Awareness

All Sorted Healthcare Ltd staff receive comprehensive safeguarding training as part of their induction and ongoing professional development. This includes:

  • Recognizing signs of abuse and neglect
  • Understanding their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding
  • Knowing how to report concerns and what to do in an emergency
  • Familiarization with relevant legislation, such as the Care Act 2014 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Understanding the importance of whistleblowing and how to raise concerns about poor practice

We also promote a culture of openness and awareness, encouraging staff to discuss any concerns they may have and ensuring that safeguarding is a standing agenda item at all team meetings

Risk Assessments and Care Planning

Safeguarding is embedded into our care planning process, with individual risk assessments carried out for each client to identify and mitigate any potential risks. These risk assessments are regularly reviewed and updated, taking into account any changes in the client’s circumstances or needs.

We work closely with our clients and their families to develop personalized care plans that promote their well-being, independence, and safety. This includes considering any safeguarding concerns and putting in place appropriate measures to address them.

Responding to Concerns

All staff are trained to recognize signs of abuse and neglect and know how to report any concerns they may have. We have clear reporting procedures in place, with designated safeguarding leads available to provide guidance and support.

When a safeguarding concern is raised, we take prompt action to ensure the safety of the individual concerned. This may involve contacting the local authority safeguarding team, the police, or other relevant agencies, depending on the nature and severity of the concern.

We maintain detailed records of all safeguarding concerns and the actions taken in response, ensuring that any lessons learned are incorporated into our ongoing safeguarding practices.

Working with Local Partners

Sorted Healthcare Ltd is committed to working in partnership with local safeguarding authorities, including the CQC and local Safeguarding Adults Boards. We participate in local safeguarding forums and initiatives, sharing best practices and learning from others to continually improve our safeguarding approach.

We also work closely with other local providers, such as GPs and hospitals, to ensure a coordinated and effective response to any safeguarding concerns that may arise.

Continuous Improvement

As a learning organization, we are committed to continuously improving our safeguarding practices. We regularly review our policies and procedures, seeking feedback from our clients, staff, and local partners to identify areas for improvement.

We also invest in ongoing staff training and development, ensuring that our team has the knowledge, skills, and confidence to effectively safeguard our clients.

Our Commitment

At Sorted Healthcare Ltd, safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all our clients, where their rights are respected, and their well-being is paramount.

As Safeguarding Champion, I will continue to lead by example, driving forward our safeguarding agenda and ensuring that we maintain the highest standards of care and protection for all those we serve.

If you have any concerns about the safety or well-being of a Sorted Healthcare Ltd client, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at

Together, we can ensure that every adult in our care is safe, valued, and able to thrive.

Abi Okulaja
Registered Manager and Safeguarding Champion
Sorted Healthcare Ltd

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